Amphibian Research Center (ARC)

Hiroshima University

Since 1967


Division of Bioresource Science

We are studying molecular mechanisms of chordate evolution through comparative analysis of the functions and regulations of genes from the "living fossil" amphioxus, frog and mouse. We are also studying genomic and epigenomic regulation of organ development and regeneration by generating a variety of genetically modified pipid frogs using leading-edge technologies, such as high-throughput transgenesis and genome editing.

Key Words: Gene Evolution, Organ Development, Regeneration, Comparative Genomics, Epigenetics, Xenopus, Amphioxus

We contribute to the maintenance of biologically important strains of frogs and study the biological characteristics of the amphibian focusing genetics, developmental regulation, speciation, phylogeny, phenotype expression, and environment-induced mutagenesis.

ARC is the resource center for X. tropicalis in the National Bio-Resource Project of Japan. If you are interested in our resources, please visit the special Web site of the NBRP X. tropicalis or contact the director of ARC, Prof. Ogino (oginohaj [at mark]

Division of Embryology

We focus on the molecular mechanism of amphibian oocyte differentiation and maturation, early development, regeneration, metamorphosis, and reproductive organ differentiation and development by making use of various techniques in experimental embryology, cell biology, molecular biology, gene engineering and genome editing.

Key Words: Oogenesis and oocyte maturation, Early development, Regeneration, Metamorphosis, Germ cell, Environmental effect

Division of Evolutionary Biology and Biodiversity of Amphibians

We are studying on evolutionary traits, genome evolution, sex and reproduction, and natural history (taxonomy, biodiversity, and biogeography) in amphibians.

Key Words: Evolution, Biodiversity, Taxonomy, Sex and Reproduction, Phylogeny, Ecology, Conservation, Genome Biology

Contact Information


Amphibian Research Center (Building M), Hiroshima University

1-3-1, Kagamiyama, Higashihiroshima, 739-8526, Japan

–> Google Maps


Professor Ogino, Hajime

e-mail: oginohaj [at mark]

phone: +81-82-424-7482

Design & Maintenance of the Web Site

Assistant Professor TAZAWA, Ichiro

e-mail: amphibia [at mark]


OGINO, Hajime (Professor)

oginohaj[at mark] ––> Profiles of Research Scholars, Hiroshima Uniiv.

IGAWA, Takeshi (Assistant Prof.)

tigawa[at mark] ––> Profiles of Research Scholars, Hiroshima Uniiv.

SUZUKI, Makoto (Assistant Prof.)

makotos[at mark] ––> Profiles of Research Scholars, Hiroshima Uniiv.

TAZAWA, Ichiro (Assistant Prof.)

itazawa[at mark] ––> Profiles of Research Scholars, Hiroshima Uniiv.

Hayashi, Toshinori (Professor)

toshih2[at mark] ––> Profiles of Research Scholars, Hiroshima Uniiv.

SUZUKI, Atsushi (Associate Prof.)

asuzuki[at mark] ––> Profiles of Research Scholars, Hiroshima Uniiv.

FURUNO, Nobuaki (Associate Prof.)

nfuruno[at mark] ––> Profiles of Research Scholars, Hiroshima Uniiv.

TAKASE, Minoru (Associate Prof.)

minoru[at mark] ––> Profiles of Research Scholars, Hiroshima Uniiv.

NAKAJIMA, Keisuke (Assistant Prof.)

kei[at mark] ––> Profiles of Research Scholars, Hiroshima Uniiv.

HANADA, Hideki (Assistant Prof.)

hanada[at mark] ––> Profiles of Research Scholars, Hiroshima Uniiv.

MIURA, Ikuo (Associate Prof.)

imiura[at mark] ––> Profiles of Research Scholars, Hiroshima Uniiv.

KASHIWAGI, Akihiko (Visiting Prof.)

oakkashi[at mark]